19.00 Uhr via Zoom
IMPORTANT: From February 2022, participation in the Community Music Salons will be subject to a fee (20 € full, 12 € reduced).
For members of the association Community Music Netzwerk e.V. participation will continue to be free of charge. For more information on membership or to transfer the participation fee, click here.
Tavis Linsin is an educator, writer, and guitarist. In his work he explores the intersection of creative practice, healing, and inquiry. Tavis received his PhD in education from the University of Washington in Seattle and has taught at Boston University, The University of Massachusetts Lowell, and The University of Washington. He currently works as an education research consultant, leads Creative Listening Circles, and is engaged in a range of creative writing projects. He is particularly interested in supporting the creative self-expression of low-income or otherwise marginalized learners. Tavis has been active in the field of community music for nearly ten years.
More information can be found on his website: https://www.tavisnlinsin.com
Aaron Solomon (Brother Fulfillment) is a mindfulness and meditation teacher, counselor, trauma healer, and climate justice activist. For 14 years he lived as a Buddhist monastic in the Plum Village tradition under Zen Master Thich Nhat Hanh. He is an ordained Dharma teacher and member of the Order of Interbeing, also founded by Thich Nhat Hanh. Aaron has been active in supporting young adult mindfulness communities, organizing and leading listening circles, and supporting a wide array of communities. Aaron currently lives and works in New York City, and enjoys spending time in solitude, and also with friends, in the forests of New England.
Creative Listening Circles (CLCs) are supportive communities for people engaged in creative practice. Initially developed during the COVID-19 pandemic, CLCs addressed the need for community, artistic expression, and healing—particularly for musicians, practitioners in other artistic domains, and music and arts educators.
In this workshop we will discuss the three primary roots of CLC practice:
1) artistic processes and creative practices,
2) contemplative practices including mindfulness and nonviolent communication, and
3) education practice.
We will attempt to locate CLCs in relation to work in community music. We’ll then facilitate a circle so that workshop participants have the opportunity to experience a CLC directly. Finally there will be time for discussion and questions forward.
Click here for a short video on the topic with Tavis Linsin and Aaron Solomon.
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